Raw Green Kyanite Blades


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Green Kyanite is the crystal of growth, powerfully channelling Mother Earth’s life force of birth, development, creation, and the continuous renewal of nature. It's all about helping you find peace, emotional balance, and spiritual growth. Green Kyanite helps move blocked energy and aligns all chakras.Tune into its heart healing energy for balance and tranquility!

This crystal does not accumulate negative energy, so it never needs cleansing! High vibration!

Approximately 1.5" - 3.75"

$5: Approximately 5-10g

$7: Approximately 15-20g

$11: Approximately 25-30g

$14: Approximately 35-40g

$17: Approximately 45-50g

$20: Approximately 55-60g

$24: Approximately 65-70g

All items are cleansed, charged and Reiki infused.

Note: The listing is for one (1) specimen, and the photo is a representation of the product that will be intuitively chosen just for you. Natural products vary in size, color, and shape. All crystal uses and metaphysical definitions are provided as a means of education.