Bergamot Single Note Essential Oil


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The bright, sunny aroma of Bergamot uplifts the spirit and enhances mood. If you close your eyes and inhale the slightly sweet, complex bouquet you can almost feel the sun on your skin as your mind is transported to the beautiful green, rolling hills of Southern Italy. For centuries, Bergamot essential oil has been one of the most prized citrus oils and has been widely used in both perfumery and the culinary arts.

The delightful, fresh aroma of Kate's Magik Bergamot essential oil cuts stagnation, restores balance and is sure to bring a smile to your face. As you inhale deeply, feel your light shine and remember that you are a beautiful, empowered being with the ability to affect change.






Citrus bergamia


Fruit Peel

Expeller Pressed



The aroma is sweet and citrusy, yet fruity with warm, spicy floral undertones.

In Aromatherapy, Bergamot essential oil is a powerful tool to help boost mood and bring light and happiness into our lives. It helps illuminate our darkness and instills a sense of clarity and joyful harmony. A shift towards a positive outlook can open our minds to new opportunities, wherein lie the seeds of renewal and abundance.  By keeping our inner light radiant, we are able to nurture those seeds and grow them into something wonderful. This is why many have seen Bergamot oil as tool to attract success and prosperity and why it’s an ingredient in Kate’s Magik Prosperity Products. Bergamot’s antiseptic and antidepressant qualities also support healing of both the emotional and physical bodies.

Bergamot is a great oil to diffuse in your office or while studying as it encourages mental clarity and relieves tension. It also supports the immune system so we recommend diffusing during cold season. If you don’t have a diffuser handy, put one drop on your palms, rub together and breathe deeply.

The name Bergamot is derived from the Italian city of Bergamo, where the oil was first sold. Most of the production of Bergamot essential oil takes place in southern Italy, where it is expeller-pressed from the peel of the citrus fruit after the pulp has been removed. Until the mid-19th century, this process was done by hand and quite intensive as it takes 200Kg of fruit to produce one liter of essential oil. While the fruit itself is not edible, the dried peel and/or essential oil give Earl Grey tea its unique flavor and are also used as an ingredient in Turkish delight. In perfumery, Bergamot was one of the ingredients in the original Eau de Cologne that was all the rage of many 18th century European courts.

Avoid using bergamot on the skin before exposure to sunlight or UV rays as it greatly increases your skin's photosensitivity.

We recommend diluting all essential oils for skin application. Applying undiluted oils to the body can cause irritation and increase the risk of sensitization. While our essential oils are tested to ensure purity, we do not recommend or endorse taking essential oils internally unless you are working directly with a highly qualified practitioner who has been specifically trained in essential oil pharmacology.