Green Tremolite Sphere


– Sold Out

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Green Tremolite is a strong heart healer, opening you up to connection, love, and compassion. Its high vibration brings peace and confidence and is a great crystal for relationships. Green Tremolite creates an energetic connection between you and those you love, even if you're at a distance. It's a great reminder that you're loved and supported emotionally and helps to remove blockages that boost your trust and assurance in love. Open yourself up to love and heart healing!

Approximately 2"-2.75" diameter

$26: Approximately 100g-120g

$28: Approximately 130g-140g

$30: Approximately 150g-170g

$32: Approximately 180g-190g

$36: Approximately 200g-210g

$46: Approximately 290g

$50: Approximately 310g

$53: Approximately 330g

$58: Approximately 360g

$67: Approximately 420g

$75: Approximately 460-470g

$83: Approximately 520g

$93: Approximately 580g

All items are cleansed, charged and Reiki infused.

Note: The listing is for one (1) specimen, and the photo is a representation of the product that will be intuitively chosen just for you. Natural products vary in size, color, and shape. All crystal uses and metaphysical definitions are provided as a means of education.