Septarian Sphere


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In crystal healing, Septarian is used for healing of the blood and kidneys. Septarian is related to the lower chakras, root, sacral and solar plexus. Septarian is a "concretion" stone. Concretions are protective stones, providing both grounding and shielding of the physical, mental, and emotional bodies.

$10: Approximately 90g

$15: Approximately 130g

$18: Approximately 150-160g

$20: Approximately 190-220g

$22: Approximately 220-250g

$25: Approximately 280-300g

$28: Approximately 330g

$32: Approximately 350g

$35: Approximately 440g

$40: Approximately 510g

$45: Approximately 565g

$65: Approximately 780g

$80: Approximately 1kg

$95: Approximately 1.295kg

All items are cleansed, charged and Reiki infused.

Note: The listing is for one (1) specimen, and the photo is a representation of the product that will be intuitively chosen just for you. Natural products vary in size, color, and shape. All crystal uses and metaphysical definitions are provided as a means of education.