
19.5" Hand Carved Maple Double Flute || A Note 440 Hz


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This beautiful 19.5" hand carved Maple wood double flute features Bumblebee Jasper and Turquoise inlay and an engraved Lion with tan leather details. 

Our beautiful handmade flutes were made exclusively for Angelic Roots! This is a Native American style flute, meaning it is designed in the style of the Native American Flute, but it is not created by Native Americans.


  • Key of A, 440 Hz

  • Made in Indonesia

  • Includes Bag

  • Maple Wood

We recommend tea tree essential oil to clean your mouthpiece since it’s a natural disinfectant. A few drops of wood safe natural oil like almond can be applied to the rest of the flute with a very soft cloth. Cotton swabs can be used to clean out the holes with just a little rubbing alcohol if needed. A flute swab is recommended to clean out the entire bore of the flute.

Wood flutes are pre-tuned and aren't able to be manually tuned, however, it can be dialed in by adjusting the block, finger control/position, and breath control. Also, warmer air temperatures will make the flute play sharp. Cooler temperatures will make the flute play flat. We use the N track tuner app to determine the note and frequency.

The lion is a symbol of strength, courage, and leadership, reminding us that we hold the power to overcome any of life's challenges. Lions are noble and majestic, emanating grace and authority. Tune into the lion's energy for protection, power, and confidence to encourage you to stand in your power and manifest your dreams.

Bumble Bee Jasper is a very rare crystal. It increases your passion for life by vibrating the sacral and solar plexus chakra by removing any blocked energy. Bumble Bee Jasper inspires positivity, creativity, motivation, and willpower to manifest your summum bonum, or supreme good.

Turquoise is known as the "Master Healer" of all crystals and is said to help speed the healing process. It can help promote honest and clear communication from the heart. Turquoise is also a powerful crystal for relieving stress. It is also said to protect against pollution in the environment, and to bring abundance. It is very powerful for grounding and protection also. Turquoise is associated with the throat chakra primarily.

Measurements are approximate. All items are cleansed, charged and Reiki infused. Note: All crystal uses and metaphysical definitions are provided as a means of education.