What is Reiki?
Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing modality that consists of laying of the hands or light touch. Reiki can be translated from Japanese as "universal life force energy." The word Reiki is composed of two Japanese symbols: Rei and Ki.
"Rei" is defined as the Higher Intelligence or Universal Energy that guides the creation and functioning of the universe.
"Ki" is translated as the life force energy.
This energy can also be known as Chi (Qi) which flows through everything around us. It travels within our physical bodies and flows around us in our energy field called the aura. Flowing energy nourishes the organs, tissues, and cells of our body, supporting vital functions. When the flow of energy is disrupted, it can affect the function of our organ systems and overall well being. Therefore, it can lead to the development of various physical, emotional, and/or mental health problems.
Life force energy is responsive to our thought patterns, emotions and overall attitude. This energy can become disrupted when we allow negative thought patterns, feelings, behaviors, or attitudes toward ourselves and others to take hold. A reiki session will assist in balancing your energy and restoring it back to it's natural flow. Learn more about Reiki over on our Soul Collective Blog.
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