January 02, 2025
We love angel numbers for their unique messages and the powerful frequencies they carry! Each year carries a different numeric vibration. 2025 is number 9. We reach this number by adding the digits.
The number 9 carries the energy of completion and new beginnings. This year will be a year of transformation, destiny, and purpose. Nine is also the number of Divine Wisdom and Universal Love. This number is important for lightworkers or those who are processing a spiritual awakening. The symbolic weight of soul purpose and mission for the collective is heightened during this coming year. In numerology, the Year 9 is often referred to as a "holy" year because it symbolizes spiritual fulfillment and enlightenment. It's a time to seek clarity, cleanse the soul, and connect with higher wisdom. In 2025, expect moments of deep revelation that will allow you to see life from a more expansive perspective. This could be a call to action or a desire to step out of your comfort zone as you navigate new desires and begin to follow your heart. The number 9 also carries the signature of inner-wisdom, trusting your intuition, and choosing decisions and relationships with an open heart space. In Angel Numbers, Kyle Gray describes Angel Number 9 as "The energy of the divine is awakening within you. Let your soul do the leading." You can choose this path or not-it's entirely within your control!
Embrace new beginnings with flexibility and openness, carefully considering all possibilities that are presented to you and take time to ask questions and guidance on the coming year during deep meditation. There may be things that need to be left behind in 2024 to fully embody your true potential in 2025. Journaling or setting intentions can be powerful tools to reflect and release old habits and patterns. Allow the powerful frequency of the number 9 to further your expansion and guide you into the best version of yourself in 2025! Everyone also has access to their own unique personal year number. Check out this post to calculate yours!