February 13, 2024
Your Heart Chakra is your energy center for love, and it brings in the vibration of compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, strength, and unconditional love. When your heart space is open, you can easily give and receive love, however, sometimes it can become blocked or unbalanced if you're experiencing stress, grief, conflict, or trauma. Connecting with your heart can bring balance to your emotions and relationships and align you with the vibration of universal love.
Many green and pink crystals are amazing for heart healing, but these are our top seven when we want to open or heal our Heart Chakra!
1. Rose Quartz is always a popular choice and for a good reason! Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love and plus it's part of the Quartz family - a master healer. It is one of the most important stones for Heart Chakra work, as it opens that heart to all types of love—love of the self, love of family, love of friends and romantic love. The soothing energy of Rose Quartz fosters empathy, encourages forgiveness, and lowers stress and tension in the heart.
2. Kunzite strengthens the heart and is the Attunement crystal of universal love. It helps you understand others and deepens your emotions of empathy and tenderness. Kunzite’s calming, proactive energy clears emotional blockages and raises your vibrations to a higher spiritual level.
3. Malachite is the crystal of transformation and brings balance to the heart. Malachite is the guardian of the heart and facilitates the release of negative experiences so you can heal and regain hope. It is very inspiring, purifying, and compassionate, attracting love by opening the heart.
4. Rhodonite is a supportive crystal that helps to balance the emotions, attract love, and ease emotional pain. Place Rhodonite over your Throat Chakra to facilitate the expression of feelings from the heart so you can share it with others. It will also help improve areas of your life that need improvement and boost your self-love!
5. Ocean Jasper is an excellent healing stone that encourages feelings of joy and elevates your spirit! This is an excellent stone to help you if you need a "lift". As they help you to release negative feelings, you feel more optimistic and positive. Ocean Jasper is associated with the unconditional love that comes from lighting a fire in the Heart Chakra which promotes a higher consciousness.
6. Eudialyte has a lively, uplifting energy that helps us to embrace the fullness that life has to offer and to understand our value. Combining the power of green and pink healing energy, it also activates, clears, and settles the Heart Chakra for a profound sense of satisfaction, joy, and exhilaration!
7. Pink Opal offers a peaceful energy that is incredibly healing and balancing to the heart. It is one of the most powerful Heart Chakra crystals that's known to clear and calm the heart to bring a sense of love, peace, and hope. This is a great crystal for sensitive people and deepens your sense of compassion and empathy. It encourages you to release fear, worry, and anxiety.
Bonus! Heart shaped crystals are perfect for heart healing! Not only do hearts represent divine love, they also symbolize where our spirit lives. It holds the energy for our intentions, creative spirit, and emotions and also gives us courage and passion.
Anatomical crystal hearts represent love, health, and unity of life-the human heart is at the heart of life. They activate your heart’s energy to bring in love and light which brings in a pure and powerful vibration!
The Heart Chakra is the bridge between the spiritual and physical realms and your lower grounding chakras and higher spiritual chakras. It is also the center of your emotional well-being. When the heart space is fully balanced you are able to give and receive unconditional love, which manifests as compassion. Working with your crystals will help keep your heart open and resonating with the vibration of love! You can also learn more about Understanding the Heart Chakra on this blog post.