March 07, 2024
All of us have access to the Angelic realm and the ability to ask for their guidance in a well-intentioned manner. Many find comfort in calling on Archangel Michael for guidance and support. He is well-known for his protection, strength, and guidance.
Archangel Michael is often depicted as a warrior, wielding a shield and sword. The shield represents his protective nature, and the sword is not used as a weapon but as a tool to clear energetic fields. It's believed that the blade of Archangel Michael's sword is make of Blue Kyanite, which makes this a powerful crystal tool for cutting through negativity.
Not only can you call upon him for yourself and others, but also Mother Earth, animals, and all of humanity. He's a protector of all beings and uses the power of infinite unconditional love, however, he can only help when he is called upon since it empowers you to take an active role in your spiritual journey and seek support when needed. No concern is too small! For instance, ask his guidance when driving or traveling, when you're alone or needing help with your children or pets. Asking with gratitude increases the vibration of the request and resonates strongly across the ethers. For example: "Thank you Archangel Michael for keeping me and my family safe from harm as we travel by plane today."
Archangel Michael is associated with the colors blue and white. If those colors are a constant in your awareness or you're simply drawn to those particular colors, he may be sending you messages. Take note of the synchronicities that surround you. You may be surprised to find out just how many there are!
Archangel Michael resonates strongly with the crystals Amethyst, Blue Kyanite, Selenite, Lepidolite, and Golden Apatite. Work with these particular crystals if you're curious or want to deepen your connection with him. Selenite and Blue Kyanite are cleansing and bring in Light. Amethyst and Lepidolite steady your energy and work with your intuition and Third Eye Chakra. Golden Apatite brings forth clarity, courage, and can assist in becoming a clear channel. Archangel Michael is also associated with one of the Royal Stars, Aldebaran, the element of Fire, the season of summer, lions, dragons, and the South.
Oracle cards can be a great way to receive messages and advice from Archangel Michael. Some of our favorite card decks to work with to receive angelic messages are The Archangel Michael Sword of Light Oracle Cards by Radleigh Valentine, The Angel Guide Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray, Angel Prayers Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray, and Archangel Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper. Start your day by using one of these card decks to bring in his divine guidance by stating an intention or asking for guidance and wear our Archangel Michael bracelet from our Archangel Bracelet collection to stay connected to this energy throughout the day.
Here at Angelic Roots, we love working the Archangels and we feel their support and guidance daily. Opening up to this Divine energy can bring about profound shifts in your life to help you align with your soul purpose and become your authentic self!