April 01, 2024
We've all heard the warnings about Mercury in Retrograde: don't make big decisions or purchases, don't travel, don't sign contracts, etc! According to early astrology practices, we are all influenced by the effect of Mercury in retrograde—when it appears as if Mercury is moving backwards.
Mercury is strongly associated with timing, communication, technology, and intellect. So, if you turn this on its head, this period of time can bring up miscommunication, interruptions, inconvenience, confusions, chaos, and frustration. Aspects of our lives that the planet guides may appear to turn upside down until the planet goes direct again. Things may go awry more easily than usual, but there are lessons to be learned during this time—slow down, stay positive, and take some time to reflect on your current path.
In the book, The Mercury Retrograde Book by Yasmin Boland and Kim Farnell, they offer up some sage advice when working through the energy.
If you tune into retrograde energy with an open mind and heart space, you'll be able to navigate it with ease and grace. This is a pivotal time to examine your intentions to gain a better insight on your journey and true purpose. Be patient, slow down, and practice mindfulness—turn inward, reflect, and release!
Working with your crystals can also help bring clarity and calm any mayhem while Mercury retrogrades.
Allow this energy to flow and gently show you where you are not in alignment. Approaching this time with curiosity and wonder instead of fear and trepidation will allow the energy to flow and gently show you where you are not in alignment. As a collective if we use Light and Love as our Source rather than fear, we can navigate anything!