February 06, 2025
Venus, the second planet from the Sun, is known as the planet of love, beauty, harmony, and pleasure. It influences not just romantic relationships but also our values, aesthetics, and the way we experience joy. Spiritually, Venus serves as a guide to self-love, abundance, and deep emotional connections.
Venus governs the signs Taurus and Libra, ruling over sensuality, relationships, and creativity. It carries a deep appreciation for nature, stability, pleasure of the senses, diplomacy and the pursuit of deep, meaningful connections.
When Venus goes retrograde, it brings a time of reassessment in love, finances, and personal values. Old relationships may resurface and we may be called to redefine our worth and heal past emotional wounds.
As the planet of self-love, abundance and sacred feminine energy, Venus encourages Divine love and an understanding that love is not just external but also an inner journey of self-acceptance. It reminds us that we can view beauty as a spiritual practice by honoring aesthetics and art as sacred forms of connection with the Divine. Venus can also represent abundance and attraction by embracing gratitude and manifesting abundance through self-worth. It is closely associated with soft, warm energy of Rose Quartz and the healing energy of Emerald.
Throughout history, many goddesses have been associated with Venus. These goddesses represent a Divine connection with the cosmos.
Venus can be a guiding force of love, beauty, and Divine harmony. It reminds us that love is of the highest vibration and that love begins within ourselves and radiates outward!