January 02, 2025
We love angel numbers for their unique messages and the powerful frequencies they carry! Each year carries a different numeric vibration. 2025 is number 9. We reach this number by adding the digits.
The number 9 carries the energy of completion and new beginnings. This year will be a year of transformation, destiny, and purpose. Nine is also the number of Divine Wisdom and Universal Love. This number is important for lightworkers or those who are processing a spiritual awakening. The symbolic weight of soul purpose and mission for the collective is heightened during this coming year. In numerology, the Year 9 is often referred to as a "holy" year because it symbolizes spiritual fulfillment and enlightenment. It's a time to seek clarity, cleanse the soul, and connect with higher wisdom. In 2025, expect moments of deep revelation that will allow you to see life from a more expansive perspective. This could be a call to action or a desire to step out of your comfort zone as you navigate new desires and begin to follow your heart. The number 9 also carries the signature of inner-wisdom, trusting your intuition, and choosing decisions and relationships with an open heart space. In Angel Numbers, Kyle Gray describes Angel Number 9 as "The energy of the divine is awakening within you. Let your soul do the leading." You can choose this path or not-it's entirely within your control!
Embrace new beginnings with flexibility and openness, carefully considering all possibilities that are presented to you and take time to ask questions and guidance on the coming year during deep meditation. There may be things that need to be left behind in 2024 to fully embody your true potential in 2025. Journaling or setting intentions can be powerful tools to reflect and release old habits and patterns. Allow the powerful frequency of the number 9 to further your expansion and guide you into the best version of yourself in 2025! Everyone also has access to their own unique personal year number. Check out this post to calculate yours!
August 08, 2024
The cosmic alignment of Earth, Sirius, and the Orion constellations opens a spiritual gateway and opportunity for further ascension and potent manifestation. The portal may be open for several days but it's at its peak on August 8th (8/8). The number 8 represents infinity and the endless possibilities for abundance the Universe can offer. Angel Numbers (repetitive numbers that vibrate in the form of messages from the Angelic Realm) 8 and 88 signify a spiritual journey or lesson that you're ready to receive and a portal opening for an opportunity for a deeper spiritual practice. 2024 is also the year 8 in numerology making this particular Lion's Gate portal even more potent!
Working with crystals during a heightened state of cosmic energy can amplify your state of consciousness. Crystals you can work with in meditation and use in setting intentions for the portal are Lemurian, Golden Healer, Labradorite, Amethyst, Terahertz, and Gold Sheen Obsidian. Building and activating a crystal grid on this date is a powerful way to manifest and utilize the cosmic energy. Clear your mind so your intentions are pure and concise. Set intentions for healing, increasing your intuition, releasing karmic debt and the potential for connecting with higher dimensional beings.
This is also an important time for healing. You need to make space for hope, positivity and Love to enter by removing low lying energies such as fear and doubt. Releasing trauma, including ancestral, is a process that cannot be bypassed in order to move forward on your spiritual journey. As humans we tend to bury those emotions and sometimes the suppression becomes an instinctual survival mechanism instead of processing the emotions through honing a set of health coping skills. Everyone is different and so what may work for one person might not work for another. Lean into the shift and discover your true potential!
February 29, 2024
We only experience it once every four years: Leap Year! Is there a spiritual significance or a deeper meaning behind this special date?
What is Leap Year?
A leap year contains an extra day, February 29, making it 366 days instead of the usual 365. This adjustment is necessary to keep our calendar in alignment with the Earth's revolutions around the sun. Without leap years, our calendar would slowly drift out of sync with the solar year.
The Symbolism of Leap Year
From a spiritual perspective, leap year holds profound symbolism. It represents a "leap" in our personal spiritual evolution. Just as the extra day interrupts the regular rhythm of the calendar, leap year disrupts our usual patterns, challenging us to step out of our comfort zones.
Since February 29th is such a rare occurrence, it causes a ripple effect and holds significant energy. In numerology, 29 translates to 11 (2+9), which is a number of awakening and spiritual enlightenment. The number 2 is the number of balance, harmony, and soul purpose and has the power to bring your dreams into your reality. The combination of 11 (29th day) and 2 (February, 2nd month) creates a powerful time for love, growth, and transformation. These numbers are a spiritual light messenger that illuminate your life's journey.
A Time for Reflection and Growth
Leap years serve as a reminder for us to pause, reflect, and evaluate our lives. It offers an opportunity for introspection and self-discovery. This additional day can be seen as a gift, allowing us to make leaps in our personal growth and spiritual development. The energy is ripe for transformation and change! Leap year energy is perfect to set intentions, make bold decisions, and take courageous actions. It supports us as we break free from old patterns and embrace new possibilities.
Embracing the Unknown
Leap year also reminds us that life is full of surprises and uncertainties. It encourages us to embrace the unknown and trust in the divine timing of our journey. These unexpected events in our lives can lead to profound growth and spiritual awakening. Can you think back to a time when something challenging was thrown into your path but looking back you can see the lessons learned, the emotional and spiritual progress you made and how everything turned out for the better?
How to Honor the Leap Year
To harness the spiritual energy of leap year, you can set aside some time to honor this divine energy.
Set new intentions and goals for the leap year or reassess the goals you've already set for the new year
Create a vision board to visualize your desires
Journal and reflect on your personal growth-everything counts!
Meditate with the energy of transformation and discovery in mind
Build a crystal grid with Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Fluorite, Malachite, Pyrite & Garnet. These crystals all work beautifully with the energy of leap year.
Leap year energy is not limited to the extra day itself! Its energy permeates the entire year, offering us continuous opportunities for growth and transformation. Embrace the change, reflect, and take all those courageous leaps!
February 22, 2024
January 18, 2024 2 Comments
In numerology, each number has a unique vibration and meaning, and these vibrations can influence the year's energy. 2024 is the year of 8! We get this number by adding up the numbers for the year: 2 + 0 + 2 + 4=8. This powerful number can manifest into a year of abundance, expansion, balance, success, financial prosperity, growth and development. Because the energy of the number 8 is strong and intense, it can sometimes be challenging to manage. For example, financial success and material abundance can sometimes lead to greed and selfishness, creating problems in relationships. If we don't have the proper tools to balance our work and personal lives, this can lead to burnout and exhaustion. Respecting the flow of abundance to you and staying in alignment with your core values, will keep you from falling into these traps.
The Angelic Number 8 also represent Karma - the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. This will be a year in which we reap the fruits of what we have sown. So if you put forth effort, hard work, integrity and honesty, you will reap success and abundance in 2024. Angel Number 8 reminds you to be grateful for the blessings in your life and encourages you to step into your power and use your unique skills and talents for the higher good.
Everyone also has access to their own unique personal year number. This can be calculated by formula:
1. Start with your birthdate.
For example: October 6 or 10/6
2. Reduce the day and month to two single digits by adding them together.
1 + 0 = 1 0 + 6 = 6
3. Now add the remaining single digit numbers to the current universal year number.
1 + 6 + 8 = 15
Take 15 and simplify it to a single digit number.
1 + 5 = 6
4. Your personal year number is 6.
Year 1: New beginnings, independence, rebirth
Year 2: Focused on balance and partnership, patience, harmony and cooperation
Year 3: Fast paced year focused on communication and creativity as well as socializing and celebration
Year 4: Hard work focused on building foundations and a year of breakthroughs and challenges
Year 5: Lots of changes and new experiences that test your relationship to freedom
Year 6: Centered on healing, relationships, love, family and home life
Year 7: Inward focus/introspection, knowledge gathering on your spiritual journey
Year 8: Developing your personal power, achievements and financial success
Year 9: A year of endings and reflections, looking back to the past nine years and looking forward to your future
It's helpful to keep a year long journal focused on your personal year and the vibration of the number 8. You'll be surprised at the synchronicities and the magic that unfolded by the end of the year!