May 23, 2024
Breathwork is a practice that involves a series of breathing techniques to improve physical, mental, and emotional well-being. We recently sat down with Christina of Calm Peaceful Life, RN and certified Breathwork and meditation facilitator, to learn more about Breathwork and its benefits. Her search for tools to help cope with stress, anxiety, and depression, related to her demanding job in Orthopedic trauma surgery, led her to Breathwork and meditation. She's been practicing daily for seven years and was called to complete a teaching certificate and share her gifts with the community.
What is Breathwork?
Breathwork is consciously altering your breathing pattern to produce a positive physical, emotional, and energetic state. It is an active meditation which gives you an anchor to focus on. It's a fun way to meditate!
What are the benefits of practicing Breathwork?
We can do so much with just our breath! Improved sleep, anxiety reduction, pain management, and increased energy are just some of the benefits. Studies show that mindful breathing techniques activate the amygdala (the emotional regulation center of the brain), reducing negative emotions and stimulating positive changes in mood and cognition. Stress reduction occurs as we switch from the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight response) to the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest or the body's ability to relax). This is done by stimulating our vagus nerve (the main nerve of the parasympathetic system) with slow deep breaths, which in turn slows the heart rate and lowers blood pressure. Utilizing diaphragmatic breathing (deep belly breaths) we can improve our digestion and stimulate our organs to improve function. Always consult your doctor about starting Breathwork with preexisting conditions, such as heart and lung disease. Some health issues (especially increased pulmonary pressure) may make some breath holds unsafe. And always listen to your body if you experience discomfort.
Who can benefit from Breathwork?
Everyone can benefit from Breathwork! It's especially helpful for those currently feeling stressed or anxious, experiencing difficulty sleeping, or those in need of emotional balance. Beginning a Breathwork practice can improve your overall health and well-being.
How has Breathwork impacted your life?
Breathwork has completely changed my life! I was feeling very unhappy, stressed, anxious, tired, and struggling to get through my days. Obviously that does not make for a great caregiver. With these methods I have experienced tremendous growth. My spirit is energized and my emotions are uplifted. I learned to create happiness for myself by being present and rewiring my thought patterns. The journey has been beautiful and is ongoing! I use Breathwork to energize myself and clear my mind on the drive to work. I utilize it to wind down to go to sleep. I do intensive deep dives of Breathwork and meditation for big decisions, celebrations, or just for fun! During my classes I ask my students to rate themselves on how they feel when they walk in and when they finish. I am proud to say not one person has not improved their feelings rating!
What is a typical Breathwork meditation experience?
Each class contains an element of mindful presence. We work slowly into different pranayama techniques. I may add gentle movement or a Kundalini Yogic breath to create the energetic state desired. The active breaths are usually around a half hour of the class as it really is work! Then we do a guided meditation for around 10 minutes to seal and ground the energy. There is a short reflection period to share how we feel in the new energy.
What is your favorite Breathwork technique?
I love pranayama Breathwork and Kundalini yogic breath. I'm a results driven woman! Few things bring instant gratification, but with a three minute breath of fire (bellows breath), I can instantly shift myself from crabby and tired to awake and energetic. I have used a 10 count box breath for 10 minutes to halt a panic attack. These are functional tools that I never leave home without! You can do a 4/8 breath to relax anywhere and no one will ever know. I have cleared out all the old stories, stress, and limitations on my life due to Breathwork and meditation. I now have enough space and extra energy to pursue my Holistic Nursing Certification. Through understanding the science behind Breathwork and incorporating it into your daily routine, you can experience the many benefits that this practice has to offer. Breathwork is a powerful tool that can be used to enhance well-being and promote overall health!
Thank you for taking time to share your beautiful insights and journey with us! Check out Christina's upcoming Breathwork offerings here at Angelic Roots!
May 21, 2024
Meditation is an important part of our daily practice that involves focusing our minds and redirecting our thoughts. The goal of meditation is to cultivate awareness, inner peace, and a sense of presence in the present moment. Regular meditation practice has been shown to reduce stress, calm the mind, improve sleep and concentration, promote emotional well-being, and enhance overall mental and physical health.
We often hear, "I can't meditate, my brain has too many thoughts!" Thoughts are normal and the more you try to push them away, the stronger they seem to become. Try this instead! Get in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and imagine you're sitting near a stream in the forest. As a thought comes in, place it on a leaf that is floating down the stream, and watch it drift away. Accept the thought, place it on the leaf, and continue this exercise until you feel more present and in the moment.
Our Favorite Tools and Tips
Meditation is accessible to everyone. All you need is a few minutes a day and your life will forever be changed! By starting with simple practices and gradually building a routine, you can reduce stress, improve focus, and cultivate a greater sense of peace and happiness. Find what resonates with you and enjoy the journey. How are you raising your vibration today?
Check out our current meditation offerings!
April 30, 2024
May is Women's Health Month, a time devoted to focusing on prioritizing self-care and the well-being of women. Managing stress, reducing anxiety, and improving your overall well-being can lead to lower rates of chronic illness, better immune function, and a higher quality of life. And taking care of yourself fosters overall optimal health and happiness. Here are some of our best recommendations and tools for practicing self-care and nurturing your body, mind, and soul.
Acts of self-love can have a powerful impact, and not just for you but for everyone in your life! If you're interested in learning more, consider one of our many classes and events in our Wellness Center, including our Women's Self-Care Day Retreat on May 4th!
April 25, 2024
Meet Lorriann - our QHHT® Pracitioner at Angelic Roots! Lorriann is passionate about guiding people on their spiritual journey, breaking down their barriers, and all things crystals! She lives with her husband of 35 years and raised two grown daughters. We recently sat down with Lorriann to discuss QHHT®, crystals, and her spiritual journey!
Tell us a little about your background and your journey to becoming a QHHT® practitioner.
My interest in what happens after one lives their life began in 1995 during my mother’s cancer journey. She came from a generation of holding onto life experiences instead of sharing them. She began sharing her own personal near death experiences with me for the first time during her cancer treatments. After she gave birth to my youngest brother, she had a near death experience. She described floating above her body and seeing the doctor and nurses scrambling to bring her back. I wanted to know every detail, but I knew she held back some information.
That was the beginning, and I had so many questions!
About six months later, I had the privilege to be at my mother’s bedside when she passed on. Watching the process of her death experience filled my soul with more questions. The day before she passed, she saw someone in the corner of the room. “Who are you? What do you want?” She would ask. That filled me with yet more questions!
The day she died, I was sitting at the dining room table and heard an inner voice tell me to look at my mom: “It's beginning”. Her breath was shallow and I knew immediately she was starting to leave. I called all my brothers and sisters to come to her bedside. I could almost feel her spirit leave and watched her facial expressions intensely. It was a beautiful gift for us to be by her side when she left her body.
After this experience, I was filled with curiosity! What or who was that inner voice? Who was the person she saw in the corner of the room? What happens after you leave this earth plane?
I began purchasing any book available on the afterlife. Some of the stories I could resonate with, and some seemed unbelievable to me. I had a three year old at the time, and a full time job in corporate America. A few years later we had another newborn and I put that search on the back burner, along with my creative side.
Fast forward to about six years ago, I held a crystal for the first time, and I was hooked. The crystals led me to meet Laurie Rodic, co-owner of Angelic Roots. It was through Laurie that I learned about Dolores Cannon, and how her own regression changed the course of her life.
I dove into Dolores’ books. After reading The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth I finally understood why I always felt like I didn't belong here my entire life!
It took about four years for me to find the right practitioner to hold space for my own regression. After that session, I knew I needed become a practitioner in order to help people in their ascension journey! I became certified as a level 2 QHHT® practitioner within five months of my first session.
What is QHHT® & who was Dolores Cannon?
QHHT® stands for Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique and was developed by Dolores Cannon. It is a powerful tool that accesses the all knowing part of ourselves.
The QHHT® practitioner guides the client into a Somnambulistic state of trance, where they can access their Higher Self (or subconscious) to receive guidance and healing. The Somnambulistic state is ordinarily experienced two times a day: right before awakening and right before falling asleep.
When we incarnate on Earth we forget our previous lives and the connection to our soul and The Source. QHHT® enables all people from any background, culture, religion or belief system to engage with what Dolores Cannon called The Subconscious (SC) since it resides beyond the conscious mind. The SC is that greater part of ourselves that is always connected to The Source, or God, and has unlimited knowledge, and an unlimited ability to heal the physical body if appropriate. The SC reveals the cause and will assist according to the soul’s particular lessons.
Dolores Cannon began her research of sacred knowledge and reincarnation nearly 50 years ago by fine-tuning her QHHT® method of hypnosis. She created a safe and effective method that bypasses the chatter of the conscious mind and focuses on obtaining unlimited information while the client is in the Somnambulistic state. She continued to work diligently on multiple books and projects until she passed away at the age of 83 in October 2014.
What are some of your favorite breakthroughs or revelations from clients?
Honestly, every session is amazing! Clients are never shown anything that they’re not ready to see, or experience. Breakthroughs range from why there’s conflict with people within their inner circle, to dissolving fears that they’ve had their entire life, and more. The wisdom that comes through the higher self is infinite.
One of the best analogies I’ve received was from a client’s higher self that described the concept of oneness. I was having a difficult time understanding how that is, or what that even looked like. They explained, ”Source is the ultimate creation. Everything and everyone is like a cell in Source’s body”. That did it for me-everything clicked!
Another client had a lifelong fear of swimming and being near water. Their higher self gave them instructions on how to overcome this fear. Once my client followed the advice given from their higher self, it completely took the fear away!
Clients also receive physical healings if it’s appropriate for them at the time of the session. One client came to see me in a wheelchair. They had little feeling on the bottom half of their body. After the healing from their higher self, they had improved sensations within their legs and feet!
I could go on and on about the amazing experiences I’ve witnessed.
What have you learned about yourself & your own spiritual journey as a QHHT® practitioner?
I’m so grateful to be in the position that allows me to hold space for people to receive answers and healing from within their own being.
I’ve learned how important imagination is and that has supported my own ascension journey. Our imagination is our TRUTH. Most people of a certain generation were told to disregard their imaginations. That it isn't “real”. Nothing could be further from the truth! Einstein knew this. My favorite quote from him is “Imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
I look at all creatures differently. I can’t kill bugs anymore because I know it has a soul. I’ve learned how powerful intentions are. I’ve learned how limiting beliefs and negative emotions can affect us. I’ve learned that we are here to experience joy, to create, and to PLAY.
How do you know if you're ready for QHHT® and how does one prepare?
Someone will know if they’re ready when they have that pull. That pull is the higher self lining things up for them. It could be that they are drawn to Dolores Cannon's books, or maybe one flies off the bookshelf in front of you (that actually happened to a client!)
Maybe a QHHT® post on social media keeps coming up, or even by reading this blog. They’ll know once they start to listen to their inner voice.
If you are a left-brained thinker, or someone whose ego wants to control every situation, it might be difficult for them if they don’t have a meditation practice. I recommend some form of meditation. By that I mean anything that takes them out of their thoughts for as little as 5 minutes a day to start. Taking a walk, gardening, dancing, anything creative. The more you can escape the constant background noise of thought, the easier it will be to go into trance.
Acknowledge that anything is possible. Don’t try to analyze what you're being shown however that comes to you. The minute someone second guesses what they are experiencing it stops the process.
People might not know that you have an amazing crystal collection. Tell us a little bit about your collection, your favorite crystals, and ways to work with them?
Crystals - those beautiful sentient beings! They are the reason that I am where I am on my spiritual journey today. I owe it all to them.
Yes, I do have a large collection. My favorite crystal in general is Clear Quartz- the master amplifier. I believe that they also hold the records of the Akash. My favorites are the Lemurian crystals and most recently the Arkansas quartz that Angelic Roots mined. There’s something new with these crystals, but I can’t put my finger on it. I connect with Clear Quartz and Andara crystals the most.
Black Tourmaline protects me from low lying energy and it helps me ground.
I love all crystals, work with and wear them daily. I’m a sucker for any crystal that flashes rainbows! Among the above, you’ll see Labradorite, Fluorite, and my Citrine and Smoky Quartz skulls on my studio table. I work with them when I create crystal grids and soul blueprint paintings. I intuitively bring a small collection to my QHHT® sessions, and sometimes one goes home with the client.
What podcast, book, or author is resonating with you at the moment?
Books I’m currently reading:
My favorite speakers and other media:
Thank you Lorriann! You can learn more about scheduling an in person session with Lorriann on our website!
March 21, 2024
Our most popular event is our Gong Bath & Sound Meditations! Laurie and Djuro, owners of Angelic Roots, incorporate a variety of sound vibrational instruments such as gongs, drums, and singing bowls to help participants achieve a relaxed and meditative state. Regularly attending gong baths can lessen stress, improve your mood or outlook on life and contribute positively to the overall well-being of your body, mind and spirit. Some of the feedback we've received from our regular attendees is it gives them a break from their hectic week to reset both physically and mentally. Some find it relieves them of chronic discomfort, painful joints, or emotions that they are ready to release. Many people report seeing colors or images in their mind's eye, allowing you to journey into your mind.
If you've never experienced a gong bath, here are some of the benefits and what to expect!
With the lights dimmed, you'll lie comfortably on a mat with a blanket and your head facing the gongs and instruments. We recommend comfortable clothes, being well-hydrated, and refraining from alcohol and drugs prior to the event. Laying on the floor grounds and connects you with the Earth's energy. Closing or covering your eyes helps you to go inward and quiet the mind. Djuro plays the instruments with the intention of creating sounds with long sustained tones for people to feel as much as they can hear. He casts a large net of different sounds, tones, and frequencies with the intention to be able to touch on a particular tone for each person in the room. The experience concludes with camaraderie, community, and an angel card, if you're open to receiving a message. Each gong bath is entireIy unique!
Flute: Djuro begins the gong bath by playing a native style flute. It helps to clear your mind, focus, and concentrate. The flute, as known in Lakota tradition, is love medicine. Everything done in a gong bath comes from the heart space and is projected in love. This sets the tone for a high vibrational experience.
Gongs: This fan favorite projects an eclectic range of sounds from low rumbling tones to crescendos and everything in between. This keeps sound baths interesting to the ear because of the large range of sound vibrations. They are ever evolving and always intrigue us with their different tones.
Singing Bowls: The crystal singing bowls are harmonic with each other and bring higher tones into the experience. They can pull you into an elevated state of meditation, some people feel as though they are traveling outside of their body. The Tibetan metal bowls are grounding and can connect you with the Earth's vibration.
Drums: The percussion from the drum travels deeply into the muscle. Each individual receives a drum wash and as they resonate with it, they can feel a release. Oftentimes participants describe it as "melting" into their mat or a "sound massage". The drum vibration shifts energy in your field and transmutes it into the Earth.
Wave Drum: Two drum heads are sealed and inside are small ball bearings that when tilted recreate the soothing sounds of the ocean. This connects people to the sacredness of the water element and inspires you with its serenity and peacefulness. Sometimes you can experience feelings of seclusion which pushes you to dig deeper and connect you to the vastness of your spirit.
Chimes, Bells, Tingsas: These instruments are played at the conclusion of the sound bath as they gently bring you back to the present moment with their light frequencies. Their delightful tones are reminders to connect with gratitude and joy.
Making a gong bath a regular part of your self-care routine can reduce stress, improve interpersonal relationships, and bring you closer to your soul's purpose. The goal of a sound bath is entirely up to you! Set your intention, lie back and relax! Check out our upcoming classes & events to reserve your space!
February 15, 2024
The Heart Chakra is a sacred energy center and the gateway to bringing in and holding love and compassion. It is key to unlocking the true essence of our being by blending the energies of the lower and upper chakras and creating a harmonious flow of empathy and connection with all living beings.
What is the Heart Chakra?
The Heart Chakra, known as Anahata (meaning "unhurt") in Sanskrit, is the fourth chakra of the seven main energy points in your body. Located at the center of the chest, it radiates a vibrate green color, symbolizes compassion, emotional and spiritual balance, and to be free of judgement. It is associated with the air element, and is represented by a green lotus flower with 12 petals. The heart chakra resonates with the F note and 639 Hz solfeggio frequency. The best crystals to work with the Heart Chakra are Rose Quartz, Kunzite, Malachite, Rhodonite, Ocean Jasper, Eudialyte, and Pink Opal.
How Does the Heart Chakra Work?
The Heart Chakra opens and expands when we embrace love, compassion, and forgiveness. It allows love to permeate every aspect of our lives. When the Heart Chakra is in balance, we experience joy, inner peace, and a deep sense of interconnectedness with all living beings. We are also kind, gentle, and loving with ourselves.
The higher Heart Chakra or ascended Heart Chakra is located at the thymus gland. This represents unconditional Divine Love and working with both chakras in tandem can help nourish this energy center.
What Happens When the Heart Chakra is Blocked?
When the Heart Chakra is blocked, it can lead to emotional distress, and a sense of disconnection. This can manifest as feelings of loneliness, bitterness, and an inability to form meaningful relationships. Past trauma, in this lifetime or ancestral, can also block the Heart Chakra leading to distrust, inadequate coping skills, and repetitive poor relationships. We can become resentful and unable to give or receive love. The Heart Chakra can also become overactive and result in poor emotional boundaries, overcommitting, martyrdom, and difficulty controlling emotions.
How to Balance the Heart Chakra?
Fortunately, there are practices that allow love to flow freely once again. Engaging in heart-opening activities such as yoga, meditation, and breathwork can help release energetic blockages and promote a sense of harmony within. Surrounding yourself in the solitude of nature, listening to high vibrational music, and practicing acts of kindness also nourish the Heart Chakra.
Additionally, incorporating crystals that resonate with the Heart Chakra into your daily life can amplify the healing energy of the Heart Chakra. Essential oils such as Rose, Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Frankincense, and Neroli can be used to assist in unblocking the Heart Chakra and bring in love and peace. They can be diffused in your personal space or applied directly with a carrier oil on the chest/heart space. These crystals and essential oils resonate with the frequency of love, assisting in the restoration of balance and emotional well-being.
A Reiki session is another great way to bring your Heart Chakra into balance. Reiki practitioners are able to assess the Heart Chakra for imbalances and make recommendations to maintain its integrity.
Embrace the Power of the Heart Chakra
Letting love in is dependent on you! Make sure to follow your intuition for need for self care, set healthy boundaries and work on ways to maintain a flow of love in everything you do!
Element: Air or Vayu - associated with our emotional balance and sense of joy
Color: Green - nature and tenderness
Location: Chest, Heart, Cardiac Plexus
January 30, 2024
Reiki is the cornerstone of Angelic Roots. It is in alignment with our beliefs that the connection of body, mind and spirit contributes to the overall well-being of a person. Several of our Angelic Roots employees are trained in Reiki and it is used on a daily basis here in our shop, working with crystals, used in our apothecary and infused it into our space. Many customers who visit our shop comment on the special energy they feel the minute they step into our space. And yes, the crystals are in fact part of that but it's also the care, attention and Reiki we infuse into them!
What is Reiki?
Reiki is an ancient Japanese energy modality, when translated means "universal life force energy". The word Reiki is composed of two Japanese symbols: Rei and Ki. "Rei" is defined as the Higher Intelligence or Universal Energy that guides the creation and functioning of the Universe. "Ki" is defined as life force energy. This energy also known as Chi travels through our physical bodies as well as our energetic fields. When the flow of energy is disrupted or blocked, it can lead to the development of physical, mental or emotional issues. Using the laying of hands or light touch, Reiki can restore your Chi, unblock chakras and remove energetic cords and disturbances. Reiki practitioners train with a Reiki Master Teacher through a series of attunements, education and practice.
Reiki Shares and Community Reiki are an important part of the Reiki experience for new practitioners. It's an opportunity to deepen their practice with other practitioners, receive support and ask questions. Reiki is not limited to human beings! It can be safely used on pets, food, water, plants, crystals and other physical items.
What Should I Expect in a Reiki Session?
Reiki is a fully clothed, comfortable experience. You'll likely lay on a massage table but Reiki can be done on a mat on the floor or in a chair. Light touch and different hand positions are used in the session to unblock, shift and move energy. Your practitioner may incorporate healing frequencies/tunes, sound vibrational instruments, crystals and aromatherapy into their sessions. Each person will have a different experience because the practitioner tunes into their intuition to guide them in the process. You can expect to feel relaxed, sleepy, have lucid dreams, feel "tingles" or become emotional or tearful at times. Reiki is not only aligning Chi and Chakras but it is also releasing energy that is no longer serving you. It's important to refrain from alcohol or drugs prior to your session. Your practitioner may give you some recommendations for after your session such as drinking plenty of clean, pure water, eating fresh fruits and vegetables, or working with a specific crystal or essential oil.
How can I experience Reiki?
We have several Reiki practitioners here at Angelic Roots with varying schedules to meet your needs. We also offer Community Reiki each month where you can experience Reiki in one-on-one sessions with practicing students of Laurie Rodic, our Reiki Master and Instructor. You will be treated alongside others in a discrete and a peaceful communal setting under the guidance of Laurie. Community Reiki is perfect for those who are curious about Reiki or looking for affordable options.
How do I become a Reiki practitioner?
If you feel called to Reiki, want to deepen your spiritual journey or have the desire to share healing energy with others, you may want to consider becoming a Reiki practitioner. Laurie Rodic, Master Reiki Teacher, recommends a consultation with her to discuss your desire to learn this life changing modality. Reiki certification is best experienced through a series of in person attunements and training when it is right for you. Classes are typically offered several times throughout the year.
Reiki is a beautiful experience for the practitioner, student, and client, and can open up the pathways on your spiritual journey!