January 02, 2025
We love angel numbers for their unique messages and the powerful frequencies they carry! Each year carries a different numeric vibration. 2025 is number 9. We reach this number by adding the digits.
The number 9 carries the energy of completion and new beginnings. This year will be a year of transformation, destiny, and purpose. Nine is also the number of Divine Wisdom and Universal Love. This number is important for lightworkers or those who are processing a spiritual awakening. The symbolic weight of soul purpose and mission for the collective is heightened during this coming year. In numerology, the Year 9 is often referred to as a "holy" year because it symbolizes spiritual fulfillment and enlightenment. It's a time to seek clarity, cleanse the soul, and connect with higher wisdom. In 2025, expect moments of deep revelation that will allow you to see life from a more expansive perspective. This could be a call to action or a desire to step out of your comfort zone as you navigate new desires and begin to follow your heart. The number 9 also carries the signature of inner-wisdom, trusting your intuition, and choosing decisions and relationships with an open heart space. In Angel Numbers, Kyle Gray describes Angel Number 9 as "The energy of the divine is awakening within you. Let your soul do the leading." You can choose this path or not-it's entirely within your control!
Embrace new beginnings with flexibility and openness, carefully considering all possibilities that are presented to you and take time to ask questions and guidance on the coming year during deep meditation. There may be things that need to be left behind in 2024 to fully embody your true potential in 2025. Journaling or setting intentions can be powerful tools to reflect and release old habits and patterns. Allow the powerful frequency of the number 9 to further your expansion and guide you into the best version of yourself in 2025! Everyone also has access to their own unique personal year number. Check out this post to calculate yours!
December 31, 2024
As we say farewell to 2024 and open our hearts to 2025, we are preparing ourselves for a new year of prosperity, abundance, and personal growth! Setting intentions for the coming year can help set the tone for success and realized potential. Stepping out of your comfort zone, removing obstacles, and aligning your intentions with the energy of the Universe are powerful methods of raising your vibration and creating your own reality. Our favorite way to honor our intentions for the new year is with an Alchemy Box.
What is an Alchemy Box?
An Alchemy Box is a physical tool that contains your intentions for the new year. Here are some of our suggestions to build your box.
Once you have completed your box, say a blessing over it and close it by the following new moon. Keep this box closed and in an undisturbed place in your home. You can also create a crystal grid to amplify your 2025 intentions. Open your box on the Winter Solstice and read through your intentions. You will be so surprised with what came to fruition and perhaps what is yet to come. You may notice how the wording of each intention affected the outcome.
The key to manifesting is letting go of the outcome. Instead focus on the feeling and sensation that you want to experience once this intention comes into your life. We can't manifest if we are holding on too tightly to the who, what, when, where, how, and if it will unfold. Surrender to the outcome because trying to control the process and outcome puts you into a state of lack and fear. Shift your mindset to trust and belief in the power of love and watch as you manifest your dreams into reality!
December 26, 2024
Pyrite, also known as "Fool's Gold" for its similarity to Gold, is a powerful crystal with a rich history of metaphysical properties and spiritual significance. It's one of our most recommended crystals for attracting abundance, prosperity, and wealth.
Because it can attract wealth and good fortune, it's a popular choice for those seeking financial success. Work with Pyrite when switching occupations (or desiring a pay raise), signing contracts, making large purchases, or for those who are working to get out of debt. Pyrite is also said to promote vitality, confidence, and willpower, helping individuals overcome challenges and achieve their goals.
Pyrite is known for its protective properties, creating a shield against negative energies and promoting a sense of harmony and balance. It is believed to stimulate the Solar Plexus Chakra, enhancing your self-esteem and confidence. It encourages us to see our own worth so we can shift to a positive mindset which in turn leads to attracting at a higher frequency. When we move through our day at a higher vibration and connected to Source we begin to attract the right people, ideas, and in our lives.
Because Pyrite is such a powerful manifestation tool, it is perfect to add into your crystal grids. Place Pyrite in your work space, in your hand bag, on your altar, in your hand during a mindful meditation practice, or into the heart of your home, for personal growth, protection, and to invite abundance into your life.
Pyrite, contains iron, giving it ferromagnetic properties and is known for its ability to absorb radiation. Be mindful when placing Pyrite near electronics, as it can be quite magnetic. This shimmering stone acts as a powerful energy shield, promoting abundance, vitality, and self-confidence. It’s perfect for boosting strength, courage, and a sense of assurance. Pyrite resonates with the Solar Plexus Chakra, enhancing confidence, inner power, self-worth, and inspires you to step boldly into your personal power! Whether you're seeking prosperity, protection, or spiritual growth, Pyrite can support you on your journey towards a more fulfilling and balanced life!
December 24, 2024
Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac between December 22 and January 19. It is ruled by Saturn, the planet that governs structure, responsibility, and time, connected to the Earth element, and represented by a sea-goat, a mythical creature that is half fish and half goat.
Capricorns are typically known for their ambition, discipline, and reliability. At the heart of their nature is their ability to be grounded and pragmatic while embracing their dreams. They are extremely motivated, disciplined, and patient. Business executives, small business owners, architects, engineers, and other careers that require dedication and high functioning skills are perfect occupations for Capricorns. Sometimes these personality traits can lead to burn out, unhealthy boundaries, unfair demands on others, and stubbornness. As they are reserved and guarded, they can also struggle to be open with their emotions.
Crystals that resonate with Capricorn's energy are Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Fluorite, Hematite, and Garnet. Capricorn's can work with the vibration of these crystals to help them open up emotionally, balance work and play, and keep a flexible attitude.
Whether you're a Capricorn or have on in your life, appreciating their dedication and loyalty is key to understanding what makes this sign so special!
December 19, 2024
The first day of winter marks the longest night of the year and in turn begins the shift to longer hours of sunlight. It marks a pause here on earth where darkness begins to recede and the promise of light and renewal begins. This seasonal change can in turn be reflected in our own journey as we pause in the stillness for self-reflection and renewal. We are reminded to find peace and beauty in the balance of light and dark.
One of our favorite ways to honor and tap into the solstice energy is with a crystal grid. Setting intentions and creating a grid with crystals and other natural elements in a geometric pattern bring your dreams and goals into reality. A grid can be built for any intention. Capture the energy of the Winter Solstice for intentions of joy, abundance, and gratitude as we move into a new season and the new year. Check out our previous blog post for more information on building and activating your grid.
Crystals that we recommend to work with the energy of the Winter Solstice.
Utilize seasonal offerings from Mother Nature to incorporate into your grid such as pine cones, acorns, or dried leaves to ground the grid into the Earth's magnetic energy. Tap into your creativity and be guided by your intuition as you build your grid!
Honor this special day as you are reminded of the inner light in yourself and others and how we are always guided by Divine Source even when we move through periods of darkness.
December 17, 2024
The Tree of Life is a powerful symbol that transcends cultures and religions, representing the interconnectedness of all life on Earth. This ancient and universal symbol reminds us of our inner power, our ability to positively affect the lives of others, and of our connection to Mother Earth.
In different cultures the Tree of Life symbolizes different aspects of existence. In Norse mythology, it is known as Yggdrasil, the cosmic tree that spans across all nine worlds. In Celtic culture, it represents the connection between the physical and the spiritual worlds and the cycles of life and death. In Buddhism, the Bodhi tree, a sacred fig tree, symbolizes enlightenment.
The Tree of Life is believed to bring balance, harmony, and wisdom to those who connect with its energy. It is said to promote growth, strength, and resilience, much like a tree that withstands the changing seasons.
Essential oils are oils extracted from plants and their parts, such as wood, leaves, grasses, roots, and flowers. They can be used in aromatherapy, diffused, or applied to your skin. Some oils that resonate and capture the essence of the connectivity of trees are Fir Needle (needles), Cedarwood (wood), White Pine (needles), and Tea Tree (leaves).
The Tree of Life can align and support positive energy flow to our Root Chakra. When our Root Chakra is not aligned and not balanced, we may experience feelings of nervousness, fear, lack of motivation, and disconnected.
Crystals that are often associated with the Tree of Life symbol include Petrified Wood, Amber, and Moss Agate. They resonate with strength, honor our connection to Mother Earth, and bring balance into our lives.
The symbolism of the Tree of Life remains a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of all living beings and the cyclical nature of existence. Embrace the wisdom and energy of the Tree of Life to cultivate growth, balance, and spiritual enlightenment in your life!
December 12, 2024
As the holiday season approaches, stress levels begin to rise with the hustle and bustle and we feel a need for balance and peace in our lives. One way to promote self-care is incorporating essential oils into your daily routine. Historically, these oils have been used for their various therapeutic benefits, including stress relief and supporting the immune system. Here are our favorite ways to use essential oils during this season.
Stress Relief
Essential oils can be used to bring in positive emotions, diffuse stress, and calm nerves. Use them in diffusers, sprays, apply to the skin with a carrier oil, or apply to lava bead bracelets. Bergamot, Lavender, Cedarwood, and Clary Sage are oils that support our emotions, relieve anxious feelings, and help us get restful sleep.
Bath Soaks
Salts, such as Himalayan Sea Salt and Epsom salt, help detox, remove stagnant energy, and relax your body and mind. The most effective way to incorporate these minerals is using them during a bath. Combining the salts with essential oils can be energetically cleansing as well. A warm bath soak can help detox from overindulgence, promote restful sleep, or support the body if recovering from an illness.
Immune Support
Essential oils such as Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, and citrus oils, such as Sweet Orange and Lemon, are natural antimicrobials, antibacterials, and promote immune support. Use these protective oils in a room diffuser or spray during cold and flu season, to maintain a healthy immune system or when recovering from an illness.
Improve Mood
The shortened daylight hours and cloudy days of winter can make us feel unmotivated and dampen our spirits. Peppermint, Lemon, and Sweet Orange are some oils that naturally invoke positivity, hope, and joy. They also deodorize and freshen our space. Diffusing or applying these oils to our skin with a carrier oil in the morning can set the tone for an uplifting day ahead. Take care with citrus oils as they are phototoxic and can burn the skin when exposed to prolonged sunlight.
If you're experiencing feelings of hopelessness, nervousness, or fear, grounding may help to center and balance your emotions. Grounding may also decrease your cortisol levels which can positively affect your body, mind, and spirit. Some oils that offer us strength and connect us to Mother Earth are Fir Needle, Cedarwood, and our Three Feathers Apothecary blends such as Rooted and Winter. They can be diluted with a carrier oil and massaged into the bottom of your feet before bedtime for deep, restful sleep.
December 10, 2024
Archangel Raguel is known as the angel of justice and harmony. His name means "Friend of God," and he is often called upon to bring peace and order to chaotic situations. Raguel is believed to help resolve conflicts, promote fairness, and restore balance in relationships. He is believed to help individuals find resolution in disputes, whether it be in personal relationships or larger conflicts. He works behind the scenes as the peacemaker, his Divine energy bringing in empathy and mutual respect.
Archangel Raguel is associated with the color pale blue and the number 6. He doesn't resonate with a particular element but can wield power between all of them: air, fire, earth, and water. He has been known to use the elemental properties of snow and ice as they cool down heated emotions and help us to see with clarity. If you notice the number 6 in repeated sequences or the color pale blue is often in your awareness, Archangel Raguel may be making his presence known.
Connecting with Archangel Raguel can be done through meditation or simply calling upon him for guidance when seeking peace and resolution in your life. Crystals such as Aquamarine, Larimar, Amazonite, and Kunzite can connect with his energy to amplify clarity and help you speak your truth.
Archangel Raguel is a powerful and benevolent angel who can help bring justice, harmony, and balance into your life. By opening yourself up to his energy, you may find the clarity and resolution you seek. Remember, you are never alone, and the Archangels are always ready to assist you on your spiritual journey.
December 05, 2024
Air, one of the four classical elements of nature, holds a significant place in various belief systems and philosophies. It is associated with qualities such as movement, communication, and intelligence. In ancient Greek philosophy, Air was connected to the concept of spirit and the life force that animates living beings. In Eastern traditions like Hinduism and Buddhism, Air represents the breath of life and the vital energy known as prana. It is linked to the mind, intellect, and the realm of ideas. In terms of physical properties, Air is characterized by its ability to expand and contract, filling any space it occupies.
In astrology, the Air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) are associated with intellectual pursuits, communication, and social stimulation. People born under these signs are believed to possess qualities like adaptability, curiosity, and a strong sense of justice.
The Air element is connected with the Heart Chakra. The chest and heart space is where life force energy circulates. When our Heart Chakra is aligned and we are connected to the Air element, our actions and words come from a place of compassion, joy, and empathy.
Archangel Raphael, the angel of "healing", is closely tied to the Heart Chakra and the Air element. He can be called upon for healing of the body, mind, and spirit.
Crystals that vibrate with the Air element are Clear Quartz, Sodalite, Amethyst, and Turquoise. They offer the ability to remove energetic blockages and help to circulate our life force energy throughout our chakras.
To tap into the energy of the Air element, you can engage in activities that promote mental clarity, creativity, and open communication such as Meditation, Yoga poses such as Cobra or Dancer, and Breathwork can help cultivate a sense of lightness and freedom associated with Air.
By understanding the properties and symbolism of the Air element, we can gain a deeper appreciation for its role in our lives and the world around us. Air is a constant reminder of the invisible forces that shape our existence!
December 03, 2024
One of December's birthstone is Turquoise, known for its ability to open the heart space and offer protection. Traditionally worn as an amulet to ward off negative energies, Egyptian, Persians, and Native Americans revere turquoise for its ability to provide spiritual strength and safeguard travelers on their journey.
Turquoise can align and balance the Throat and Heart Chakras. When these chakras are open we speak our truth with compassion. It helps with communication and empowerment by purifying and balancing emotions.
The belief that Turquoise heightens our intuition makes this the perfect choice for use during meditation and for those who practice energy healing. Turquoise can connect us with the collective consciousness and universal wisdom.
Beautiful Turquoise jewelry can be worn for protection, prosperity, and when overcoming adversity. Its purifying effects can enhance our overall well-being. Wearing Turquoise jewelry when going through a detox or cleanse will help support your vitality and gently alleviate any side effects.
Whether you're drawn to Turquoise for its beautiful blue-green coloring, its protective properties, or in need of emotional support, it's one of our favorite crystals for inner transformation, prosperity, and intuitive growth!
November 28, 2024
We’re reminded this time of year of the importance of gratitude and, if we make a daily practice of it, how it brings abundance and joy into our lives. When difficult life challenges arrive, it becomes more of an opportunity to dig deep into our inner power to shine light and offer gratitude. A heart-centered gratitude connects us with the Divine and is delivered beyond words and into the vibration of Love. When we are connected to this energy it connects us to every living thing in the Universe. And those connections bring us hope, joy, and optimism in turn.
Gratitude is more than saying “thank you” for life’s blessings. Every gift, lesson, and challenge has a purpose and offering gratitude deepens your spiritual growth. When we begin to cultivate gratitude, we open our hearts to higher vibrations. We begin to recognize the lessons and patterns in our lives. We can reflect on them, send them gratitude and begin anew. There is no positive gain in repeating patterns that are no longer in alignment with our soul purpose..
Offering gratitude is a bridge between our physical world and the Divine. The Universe is always supporting you. It reminds us that you are never alone, there is infinite abundance, and there is always, no matter the hardships, something to be grateful for.
Practicing gratitude can be even more powerful when combined with Breathwork, meditation, and energy healing sessions such as Reiki. These modalities help release energetic cords, unblock stagnancy in our Chakras, and open our hearts and minds to the infinite possibilities of the Universe.
Bringing your energy back to the now helps to ground and center you. This mindfulness creates a sense of peace and connection. Instead of worrying about the future or focusing on the past, we focus on what we have in this moment.
Cultivate a Positive MindsetGratitude will shift a negative perspective to a positive mindset. It’s easy to get caught up in negativity, but gratitude shifts perspective. By focusing on blessings rather than burdens, we can cultivate a positive outlook that aligns with spiritual growth.
Encourage ReflectionStarting a gratitude journal can be a transformative experience. Writing your thoughts in a journal can deepen your connection to gratitude. Reflecting before bedtime or even as simple as driving in your car, can enhance your awareness of life’s abundance.
Practice Gratitude MeditationDedicate a few minutes daily to meditate on gratitude. Focus on things big and small. Consider the people, experiences, and gestures you are thankful for, and let this heart-centered gratitude fill your soul and provide you with inner peace. Take less than 60 seconds and experience our Wave of Gratitude Guided Meditation over on Instagram.
Accept Challenges as Lessons and Growth OpportunitiesEach obstacle is a lesson, an opportunity for growth. This perspective shift encourages spiritual growth through gratitude and can help you find peace even in tough times.
When we come together with an open heart, we amplify the positive energy of gratitude. We each bring our own gratitude, and together, we create a space filled with love and appreciation. This not only strengthens our relationships but also creates a space for spiritual growth and connection.
Gratitude is more than just a fleeting feeling; it’s a practice that can change your life. Go beyond the surface—reflect on the deeper meaning of gratitude, and let it guide you toward a richer, more fulfilling connection with yourself, others, and the Divine. Gratitude is a journey, not a destination—the more we practice it, the more we unlock its transformative power.
November 26, 2024
When holidays are around the corner, it is common to be surrounded by the constant noise and distractions of the outside world. Some people appreciate this, while others need peace and harmony amidst the hustle and bustle of holidays. But we can use this season to reflect and offer gratitude and connection with our family and friends in a more meaningful way.
Creating a sacred space in your home and in your heart can make the holidays more meaningful and offer you a place to renew your energy and feel at peace. Here’s our favorite tips to promote peace and relaxation in your home and practices that will nurture your body, mind, and spiritual well-being.
Decluttering your personal space invites a clear, calm mind. Cleanse the home with sage, palo santo, incense, and other smudging tools to remove low lying energies and bring in a higher vibration. Utilizing these tools invite peace, harmony, and positivity into your space.
Filling your home with the soothing sounds of sound vibrational instruments, such as singing bowls, chimes, and flutes, reduce stress and encourage mindfulness. Filling your home with these practices promotes positive energy gatherings.
Crystals such as Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and Citrine bring in hope, positivity and the high vibration of Love. Pairing them with natural elements such as seasonal flowers, plants, and pinecones will also bring in warmth and honor Mother Earth.
Enhance your space’s ambiance with supportive essential oils for the holidays. Oils such as Sweet Orange, Lavender, Fir Needle, Frankincense, or our Rooted blend create a warm and relaxing atmosphere. Use 3-6 drops in a diffuser or dilute with your favorite carrier oil to uplift and balance your emotions.
Warm your home and create mindfulness with candles. Candles can be used to create a cozy atmosphere and can be used to help focus your intentions for peace and balance. Light one during your mindful meditation practice or when in need of stillness.
Our thoughts and words are powerful. When we choose positive language and think about ourselves and others within the vibration of Love, we bring hope, joy, and gratitude into our lives. Our favorite way to set those intentions and manifest our desires and dreams is building a crystal grid. Use this holiday season to create a grid for gratitude and for a harmonious holiday season.
Creating a sacred space for Thanksgiving is a simple yet effective way to promote inner peace. Build a space that promotes your spiritual well-being, and with these simple steps, your Thanksgiving will not only be a time of gratitude but also one of spiritual renewal. Follow your intention, and do what works for you and your family for a truly peaceful and fulfilling holiday season.