February 13, 2025
Love is a fundamental human experience that shapes our relationships, emotions, and well-being. It is also the highest vibration! Understanding your love language can help strengthen relationships-not just with others, but also with yourself. There are many ways you can nourish your body, mind, and spirit that align with your personal self-love language. The emotional and physical benefits are reducing stress and anxiety, immune protection, improving heart health, increasing your self-worth and self-esteem, and decreasing feelings of loneliness.
The concept of love languages comes from Dr. Gary Chapman's book, The 5 Love Languages®, where he identifies five ways people express and receive love.
Words of Affirmation
Acts of Service
Receiving Gifts
Quality Time
Physical Touch
Love languages aren't just about how we connect with others-they're also a guide for self-care. Creating self-care routines that nurture your emotional and physical well-being can help you cultivate a deeper relationship with yourself and others!
February 11, 2025
Our Heart Chakra or heart space is our energetic center of love, compassion, and emotional balance. It governs our ability to give and receive love, experience deep empathy, cultivate inner peace, and allows us to develop deep connections and relationships with others and our world at large. When our Heart Chakra is open and balanced, we feel a sense of harmony in our relationships and an ability to forgive-including self-forgiveness. When blocked, we may struggle with grief, resentment, loneliness, or feelings of fear.
Aromatherapy with essential oils can be powerful allies in healing, helping to release emotional wounds, invite in compassion, and restore balance. Here are our four favorite essential oils we love working with to support our Heart Chakra.
Rose (Rosa x damascena) is considered the queen of heart healing oils. It takes approximately 60,000 roses to produce one ounce of Rose Absolute! It has the highest vibrational frequency of any oil and is associated with love, beauty, and symbolic of ancient goddesses. It nurtures self-love, gently releases grief, and promotes heart-centered healing.
Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii var motia) is steam distilled from a grass that is grown across India into the Himalayan Mountains. Because of its sweet, soft rose-like scent, it is often used in cosmetics and fragrances. It calms the heart space, reduces stress, and promotes emotional stability. It encourages us to embrace change with an open heart and release emotional rigidity and is particularly helpful for those who have built up emotional walls or shields due to past trauma.
Lavender (Lavandula officinalis) is well-known for its calming properties, how it soothes emotional wounds, reduces nervousness, and releases fear. Lavender allows for forgiveness and acceptance to flow naturally.
Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) awakens joy, passion, and emotional openness. It can dissolve feelings of anger, sadness, and rejection. Use this oil when working through heart break, significant personal loss or past trauma. A very small amount, 1 drop, is all that's needed as it has a very strong fragrance.
You can incorporate these oils in your meditation practice, in a salt bath, or in an aromatherapy essential oil diffuser. Our Heart Chakra blend also combines some of these calming and emotionally uplifting oils paired with a Rose Quartz crystal and can be placed over your Heart space with a carrier oil.
Morning affirmations are a practice that can improve your outlook on life. Using uplifting and encouraging words and phrases can move your actions, thoughts, and mood from a place of negativity and fear into optimism and love. Apply 1-2 drops of heart opening essential oils mixed with a carrier oil, such as jojoba oil, to your heart space while repeating affirmations such as "I am open to love" or "I forgive and release".
By using these essential oils with intention, you can support your Heart Chakra, release past wounds, and cultivate a deeper sense of love and forgiveness!
February 06, 2025
Venus, the second planet from the Sun, is known as the planet of love, beauty, harmony, and pleasure. It influences not just romantic relationships but also our values, aesthetics, and the way we experience joy. Spiritually, Venus serves as a guide to self-love, abundance, and deep emotional connections.
Venus governs the signs Taurus and Libra, ruling over sensuality, relationships, and creativity. It carries a deep appreciation for nature, stability, pleasure of the senses, diplomacy and the pursuit of deep, meaningful connections.
When Venus goes retrograde, it brings a time of reassessment in love, finances, and personal values. Old relationships may resurface and we may be called to redefine our worth and heal past emotional wounds.
As the planet of self-love, abundance and sacred feminine energy, Venus encourages Divine love and an understanding that love is not just external but also an inner journey of self-acceptance. It reminds us that we can view beauty as a spiritual practice by honoring aesthetics and art as sacred forms of connection with the Divine. Venus can also represent abundance and attraction by embracing gratitude and manifesting abundance through self-worth. It is closely associated with soft, warm energy of Rose Quartz and the healing energy of Emerald.
Throughout history, many goddesses have been associated with Venus. These goddesses represent a Divine connection with the cosmos.
Venus can be a guiding force of love, beauty, and Divine harmony. It reminds us that love is of the highest vibration and that love begins within ourselves and radiates outward!
February 04, 2025
Rhodonite is often referred to as the "crystal of compassion" for its ability to promote love, forgiveness, and emotional healing. It is believed to help release negative emotions such as anger, resentment, and jealousy, allowing for a more balanced and harmonious emotional state. Use this wonderful crystal for grounding negative energies, and to guide you to improve areas of your life that need improvement!
It is also thought to stimulate the Heart Chakra, encouraging self-love, self-acceptance, and compassion towards others. It will balance emotions, calming the nervous system and reducing stress and anxiety. Rhodonite removes self-doubt and promotes a more positive outlook on life. Placing Rhodonite over your Throat Chakra encourages authentic expressions from your heart space.
Rhodonite gently works to move stagnant and fear based emotions to a place of forgiveness. Choosing forgiveness in difficult situations can open space in your life for compassion and self-love. You are able to take control of your emotions and reactions instead of allowing the actions of others to determine your thoughts and feelings. It encourages personal and emotional growth through compassion for self.
Whether you are looking to enhance your emotional well-being, encourage self-love, or release emotions, Rhodonite can support you on your journey towards a more fulfilling and balanced life!
January 30, 2025
As winter settles with shorter days and colder temperatures, the energy around us tends to slow down. This seasonal shift can also affect your crystals, especially if they're frequently used for healing, meditation, crystal grids, or manifestation work. Without the abundant sunlight and grounding connection to the outdoors that summer provides, it's important to be intentional about keeping your crystals cleansed and charged during the winter months. Here are some of our favorite ways to maintain their vibrancy during this introspective season.
Charging your crystals under the Full Moon is a great way to harness the potent energy of the Full Moon and charge them at the same time. If it's too cold outside, place your crystals on a windowsill or table near a window. You can infuse them with this rejuvenating energy on the date of the Full Moon or three days before or after.
Bringing light to the your crystals helps to revitalize their energy. The soft glow of a Himalayan salt lamp, a tea light Selenite candle holder, or candles can invite in warmth and uplift your space. You can carefully pass your crystals through the smoke of a burning candle to release stagnant energy.
Using sound vibrational instruments can help reset the frequency of your crystals. Gongs, singing bowls, rattles, drums, or chimes are some examples of instruments that can be played over your crystals. Your voice is also a sound instrument and by simply chanting or singing intentionally to your crystals you can clear away any dense or stagnant energy.
Selenite is the perfect crystal to cleanse and charge your other crystals. Selenite itself never needs to be cleansed so you can place your smaller crystals in Selenite bowls or on Selenite charging plates.
Place your crystals in or near the plants in your home. Anything in nature inherently grounds and revitalizes our soul including the living plants in our home.
By using the methods above to keep your crystals energized during winter you can keep them vibrant and powerful during this season of reflection and introspection. Taking the time to care for them will deepen your connection with them, infuse them with new energy, and prepare for transformation in the months to come.
January 28, 2025 2 Comments
The Lunar New Year, also known as Chinese New Year, is one of the most important and widely celebrated holidays in many Asian cultures. It marks the beginning of the lunar calendar and in 2025 the Lunar New Year falls on January 29 ushering in the Year of the Wood Snake.
During this time we shift from cosmic dragon consciousness into earth-based snake consciousness. Where the dragon symbolizes good luck, prosperity, and strength, the snake represents transformations, renewal, introspection, and stability. The snake sheds old patterns and belief systems that no longer serve you to make room for growth and fresh beginnings. This also includes the collective and our communities at large. As a society we can transition from outdated structures and beliefs and evolve into a paradigm that better serves humanity. This year is the ideal time for spiritual exploration, intellectual pursuits, and redefining our future life path. Dreams and visions (especially during meditation) may become more pronounced, vivid, or prophetic. Our intuition is heightened and the connection to our Higher Self and Divine Source deepened.
Crystals that vibrate with the frequency of the Wood Snake are Snakeskin Fire Agate, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Septarian, and Serpentine. These crystals embody introspection, balance our creative and logical thoughts, and promote innovation and renewal. You can use these throughout the year on your altar, in your mindful meditation practice, or incorporate them into your crystal grids.
The Chinese Zodiac is also divided into different element phases. This is the last year for the Wood element as we transition into the Fire element next year. Wood phase represents honesty, integrity, growth, and an expansion of our natural gifts. As a society we begin to break down barriers and insist accountability for systems and structures that inform and affect our daily lives. The Fire element will bring in courage, passion, and energy for further transformation and spiritual evolution.
Whether through spiritual growth or self-discovery, the Wood Snake year holds the potential for deep transformation and enlightenment!
January 23, 2025
Water, one of the fundamental elements in many ancient philosophies and practices, holds a significant place in the realm of natural elements. It is associated with qualities such as emotions, intuition, healing, and purification. In ancient Greek philosophy, Water was connected and shaped by the Gods and Goddesses. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Water element is associated with the kidney and bladder, the winter season, and symbolizes flexibility and emotional resilience.
In astrology the Water signs, (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) are known to be emotional, empathic, and loyal. People born under these signs are believed to highly intuitive, nurturing, and sentimental.
The Water element is connected with the Sacral Chakra. This energy center located in the lower abdominal area, is related to freedom, creativity, flexibility, and joy. When our Sacral Chakra is aligned and balanced we can tap deep into the collective consciousness and express ourselves with creativity, desire, and innovation.
Archangel Gabriel, the "messenger", is closely associated with the Water element. He can be called upon for healing childhood traumas and for messages of hope and inspiration.
Crystals that vibrate with the Water element are Ocean Jasper, Celestite, Amethyst, Peach Moonstone, and Fluorite. They offer the ability to remove energetic blockages and help to circulate our life force energy throughout our chakras.
To tap into the energy of the Water element, you can engage in activities that promote creativity, heightened intuition, and compassion toward others such as Meditation, Yoga poses such as Cobblers Pose or Pigeon Pose, Breathwork, connecting with bodies of water in nature, and taking regular salt baths can help support the balance of this element. Also, ensure you are drinking clean water and your body is properly hydrated.
There are several sacred sites across the world where Water is revered, honored, and used in spiritual practices and ceremonies. Places such as the Ganges River in India, the Cenotes of Mexico, the Chalice Well of Glastonbury, Lake Titicaca of South America, and so many springs, waterfalls, lakes, and other bodies of water that have held deep spiritual significance throughout the centuries. In "The Healing Waters Oracle", Rebecca Campbell notes "All healers know that healing is a return to wholeness, so do the world's healing water sites attract us because in seeing their waters as sacred, we're really seeing ourselves as sacred, since we're largely made up of water." Using this card deck in your daily spiritual practice can help further your connection with the Water element and cultivate a sense of balance and harmony.
By understanding the properties and symbolism of the Water element, we can gain a deeper appreciation for its role in our lives and the world around us. Water is a constant reminder of the invisible forces that shape our existence and subconscious thoughts!
January 21, 2025
Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, between the dates January 20 and February 18. It is ruled by Saturn and Uranus, connected to the element of Air, and represented as a water bearer, bringing knowledge and gifts to humanity.
Individuals born during this time are known for their independent and progressive nature. They are often described as innovative, intellectual, and humanitarians who value freedom and individuality. With a strong sense of social justice, Aquarians are always ready to fight for a cause they believe in.
People born under the Aquarius sign are friendly and sociable, but they also value their independence. They enjoy engaging in stimulating conversations and forming deep connections with like-minded individuals. Aquarians are known for their open-mindedness and willingness to embrace new ideas.
Because of their creative and innovative nature, Aquarians thrive in careers that allow them to think outside the box. They excel in fields such as technology, science, law makers, entrepreneurs, and social activism. They are natural leaders who are not afraid to challenge the status quo.
Aquarians may seem emotionally detached at times, appear stubborn, overthink situations, and have a rebellious streak but they are deeply caring individuals who prioritize the well-being of their loved ones and the humanity at large.
Crystals that resonate with Aquarians are Amethyst, Moonstone, Aquamarine, Celestite, and Fluorite. Aquarians can work with these crystals to have a deeper emotional connection, bring in peace and calm energy, and keep a flexible attitude.
Whether you're an Aquarius or have on in your life, appreciating their open-mindfulness and innovativeness is key to understanding what makes this sign so special!
January 16, 2025
One of our favorite crystals to work with is Fluorite! We love it for its beauty, rainbows, and powerful energy. It's found all over the world, each region bring slight variations into the crystal's energy. Fluorite is most revered, among many other things, for those seeking balance, clarity, and protection.
Fluorite increases our focus, determination, and concentration. It connects us to the collective consciousness and our higher self bringing in an emotional brightness by calming chaotic emotions. Students, educators, writers, journalists, healthcare professionals, or anyone who needs to bring objectivity into difficult situations
Fluorite has so many beautiful colors and hues. Here are some of our favorites!
Yellow Fluorite helps us think more clearly and brings order to chaos. It will help you make sense of any contrary energy you may be feeling, by keeping you focused and helping you to remain calm. It connects the Solar Plexus and helps by balancing the Third Eye chakra, promoting self-expression and personal empowerment.
Green Fluorite is a wonderful stone for the Heart Chakra and for organizing your thoughts. When life feels chaotic and out of control, Green Fluorite will give you focus and serenity. It is especially helpful when personal and work relationships feel out of balance. Green Fluorite bridges the heart and mind, creating harmony between emotions and logical thinking.
Blue Fluorite is the most sought after color of Fluorite! Not only is it beautiful, it will serve as a beacon for your spiritual journey. It reveals knowledge and wisdom about your higher purpose and helps to align you with your Higher Self. Blue Fluorite resonates with your Throat Chakra by connecting you with your inner truth and true calling. It enhances communication and encourages the expression of pure, creative ideas, making it an ideal stone for teachers, speakers, and artists.
Snowflake Fluorite can help bring in calming and soothing energy, and is said to be helpful especially if you are struggling with emotional issues or stress. Its gentle energy helps to soothe an overactive mind, allowing you to release worries and regain clarity. Snowflake Fluorite is also believed to strengthen resilience, helping you navigate challenging situations with greater ease and confidence.
Petrified Root Brecciated Fluorite, also known as Silky Fluorite, is a rare find that contains organic fossilized tree remains that have transformed into crystal through a unique mineralization process. The plant's cell walls act as a template for crystalline structure and for beautiful Fluorite to form! It carries grounding and spiritual qualities, symbolizing transformation, resilience, and the deep connection between the natural and mineral worlds.
Watermelon Fluorite displays vibrant bands of green and purple. The green layers represent renewal, growth, and emotional healing, while the purple layers align the mind with elevated vibrations, supporting spiritual growth and expanded consciousness. Its uplifting and nurturing vibrations help to release stress, restore harmony, and encourage a joyful outlook on life.
Fluorite is a highly absorbent crystal and it is best to cleanse it on a regular basis. Our favorite way to charge and cleanse Fluorite is using Selenite. You can place. them on Selenite charging plates, into bowls, or in the glow of a Selenite lamp. Be sure to place Fluorite in your home out of direct sunlight-prolonged exposure may fade its coloring.
Whether you're seeking mental clarity, emotional balance, or spiritual protection, this gentle yet powerful crystal will invite a sense of peace, focus, and harmony into your life!
January 14, 2025
Salt has been used for centuries in various cultures for its powerful cleansing and protective abilities. Its energy represents purity and balance and regular use of it can create a positive and harmonious environment in your space. It can also be a valuable tool in energy work as it absorbs and neutralizes low lying vibrations. Here are some ways we utilize salt to protect our home and energy field.
Remember, the key to using salt for protection and clearing energy is to set your intentions and focus on the positive energy you want to invite into your space. By incorporating salt into your energy work practices, you can create a harmonious and balanced environment that supports your well-being!
January 09, 2025
As the new year begins and we renew our intentions and resolutions, we may be searching for ways to stay motivated and focused on our goals. Here are some of our personal favorite tools we rely on to keep us on track throughout the year!
Our favorite crystals to work with to increase our focus are Carnelian, Bumblebee Jasper, Red Tiger Eye, Honey Calcite, and Ruby. Each type of crystal in its own way boosts creativity, inspiration, and stimulates our determination. Wear them as jewelry, meditate with your favorite crystal, or carry them in your pocket as you move throughout the year. Another way to utilize crystals through manifestation is creating a crystal grid. Thoughtfully crafting an intention and infusing it with the frequency of crystals in a geometric pattern can assist in manifesting your dreams and desires.
Aromatherapy natural essential oils utilize the natural properties of plant life to gently invigorate and brighten your body, mind, and spirit. Our favorite essential oils to sharpen our focus are Black Pepper, Rosemary, Peppermint, and Lemon. These oils can be diffused in your home, applied to the skin with a carrier oil after a shower to set the tone for the day, or used in an inhaler while working on projects or before physical exercise.
Our Solar Plexus Chakra is closely tied to our personal power, self-esteem, and motivation. If this chakra is blocked or imbalanced we may be prone to feeling unfocused, unmotivated, or insecure. When this chakra is open and balanced, we feel confident and in control of our life. A Reiki session is a good way to approach this type of blockage.
Self-care is an important step to keep on track during the year. Maintaining healthy boundaries, utilizing tools such as Breathwork and meditation when stress levels begin to rise, and knowing when to take a step back and re-evaluate your priorities can bring balance and harmony into your daily life.
It's important to stay grounded as you navigate throughout the year. Spending time outdoors (even when it's cold and snowy) can improve sleep quality, reduce stress, and increase feelings of hopefulness and optimism. You can also connect with the earth through yoga poses such as Child's Pose, Cobra, or Pigeon Pose.
Cultivating positive habits and prioritizing self-care will help you keep the momentum up throughout 2025!
January 07, 2025
The Third Eye Chakra is the sixth chakra of our energy centers, located in the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows. It is associated with our innate intuition, (otherwise known as our "sixth sense"), our imagination, and our ability to visualize abstract and expansive concepts and ideas.
What is the Third Eye Chakra?
The Third Eye Chakra is known as Ajna Chakra in Sanskit. It resonates with the color indigo, the element of light, and the musical note "A". Its symbol is a two petaled lotus flower with a downward facing triangle and the mantra Om in the center. The sacred sound Om is said to balance and align the Third Eye Chakra. The upside down triangle represents a downward flow of energy and wisdom from higher states of consciousness to our own inner wisdom. The two petaled lotus flower on either side is symbolic of the duality and balance of the conscious and unconscious mind.
How to Balance Your Third Eye Chakra
An imbalance of the Third Eye Chakra can manifest in lack of clarity and focus, close mindedness, indecisiveness, self-limiting beliefs, and feeling stuck or uninspired. Opening your Third Eye will strengthen your intuition, motivation, and expand your ability to visualize your dreams and desires. There are several ways to balance your Third Eye Chakra and unlock its full potential. Yoga poses such as Child's Pose, Eagle Pose, and Downward Dog focus attention and energy to the Third Eye. Chanting "Om" during meditation can facilitate your connection to the Universal Life Force energy. Working with crystals such as Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite, or Iolite can gently cleanse and stimulate this energy center.
Using aromatherapy such as essential oils either by diffusing in your space or applying to your Third Eye Chakra can create flow. Pink Grapefruit, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Patchouli, Mugwort, and Nutmeg essential oils are all great choices for working with imbalance by enhancing your dreams and imagination and helping to connect you to a higher source.
Archangel Haniel is strongly associated with our intuition and bringing joy in our lives. Calling upon her during meditation can offer messages of inspiration and help you to connect with your Higher Self.
A Reiki session is another great way to bring your Third Eye Chakra into balance. Reiki practitioners are able to assess the Third Eye Chakra for imbalances and make recommendations to maintain its integrity.
When you have a greater understanding of the Third Eye Chakra, you can unlock new levels of consciousness and experience profound transformation in your life. Maintain a healthy flow of energy in your Third Eye Chakra with regular self-care and devotion to the alignment of your body, mind, and spirit. Embrace the power of the Third Eye Chakra and watch as your life transforms before your eyes!
Element: Light to bring in clarity
Color: Indigo - spiritual awakening and self-mastery
Location: Between the brows on the forehead