February 06, 2024
Have you ever wondered why the energy of the crystals from the Tucson Gem and Mineral show is so amazing? Tucson sits along a ley line in the center of several mountain ranges amplified by the four cardinal elements in the land making it a powerful energetic vortex. This energy is increased by the vibration of the crystals at the gem show each year.
This interconnectedness raises the vibration of the crystals! We even built our own crystal grid before the first day of the gem show to amplify the energy, tune into the energy of the land, connect all of the crystals, and to set our intentions for our trip. We then cleanse and Reiki all of the minerals we bring home.
Tucson was a whirlwind of a trip, but we wouldn’t change a thing! Navigating the shows, prepping crystals, hosting live sales, and packing takes a lot of effort and long hours, but our AR Team (Laurie, Djuro, Lauren, Christine) worked so hard and had fun doing it. We are so grateful to have the opportunity to connect with vendors from all over the globe and hand select minerals from the largest gem show in the world (and share it with all of you!). There’s truly nothing like it!
Typical Day at the Gem Show
We're so grateful for all of you that followed us in Stories or joined our Live sales. We loved connecting with the crystals, of course, but also with all of the people from around the world, many small family businesses like us, who are just as passionate about crystals as we are. We can't wait for you to see our new crystal beauties so stay tuned! You can also see more behind-the-scenes of our 2024 trip on Instagram (open in mobile).
The beauty of the crystals, desert, and connection truly filled our hearts with so much love. Until next year, Tucson!
January 30, 2024
Reiki is the cornerstone of Angelic Roots. It is in alignment with our beliefs that the connection of body, mind and spirit contributes to the overall well-being of a person. Several of our Angelic Roots employees are trained in Reiki and it is used on a daily basis here in our shop, working with crystals, used in our apothecary and infused it into our space. Many customers who visit our shop comment on the special energy they feel the minute they step into our space. And yes, the crystals are in fact part of that but it's also the care, attention and Reiki we infuse into them!
What is Reiki?
Reiki is an ancient Japanese energy modality, when translated means "universal life force energy". The word Reiki is composed of two Japanese symbols: Rei and Ki. "Rei" is defined as the Higher Intelligence or Universal Energy that guides the creation and functioning of the Universe. "Ki" is defined as life force energy. This energy also known as Chi travels through our physical bodies as well as our energetic fields. When the flow of energy is disrupted or blocked, it can lead to the development of physical, mental or emotional issues. Using the laying of hands or light touch, Reiki can restore your Chi, unblock chakras and remove energetic cords and disturbances. Reiki practitioners train with a Reiki Master Teacher through a series of attunements, education and practice.
Reiki Shares and Community Reiki are an important part of the Reiki experience for new practitioners. It's an opportunity to deepen their practice with other practitioners, receive support and ask questions. Reiki is not limited to human beings! It can be safely used on pets, food, water, plants, crystals and other physical items.
What Should I Expect in a Reiki Session?
Reiki is a fully clothed, comfortable experience. You'll likely lay on a massage table but Reiki can be done on a mat on the floor or in a chair. Light touch and different hand positions are used in the session to unblock, shift and move energy. Your practitioner may incorporate healing frequencies/tunes, sound vibrational instruments, crystals and aromatherapy into their sessions. Each person will have a different experience because the practitioner tunes into their intuition to guide them in the process. You can expect to feel relaxed, sleepy, have lucid dreams, feel "tingles" or become emotional or tearful at times. Reiki is not only aligning Chi and Chakras but it is also releasing energy that is no longer serving you. It's important to refrain from alcohol or drugs prior to your session. Your practitioner may give you some recommendations for after your session such as drinking plenty of clean, pure water, eating fresh fruits and vegetables, or working with a specific crystal or essential oil.
How can I experience Reiki?
We have several Reiki practitioners here at Angelic Roots with varying schedules to meet your needs. We also offer Community Reiki each month where you can experience Reiki in one-on-one sessions with practicing students of Laurie Rodic, our Reiki Master and Instructor. You will be treated alongside others in a discrete and a peaceful communal setting under the guidance of Laurie. Community Reiki is perfect for those who are curious about Reiki or looking for affordable options.
How do I become a Reiki practitioner?
If you feel called to Reiki, want to deepen your spiritual journey or have the desire to share healing energy with others, you may want to consider becoming a Reiki practitioner. Laurie Rodic, Master Reiki Teacher, recommends a consultation with her to discuss your desire to learn this life changing modality. Reiki certification is best experienced through a series of in person attunements and training when it is right for you. Classes are typically offered several times throughout the year.
Reiki is a beautiful experience for the practitioner, student, and client, and can open up the pathways on your spiritual journey!
January 25, 2024
The Full Moon is a time of heightened energy and intensity, and a powerful time to work with the moon cycle to let go of what no longer serves you. The Moon shapes how we track and understand time, it rises every day bringing in the night, it controls the tides, it affects our energetic fields, and it reminds us to go with the flow. Its strong, powerful, feminine energy brings in wisdom, illusion, intuition, and spiritual connection. When you attune yourself to the Moon's vibration, you activate your inner power and enlightenment!
When a Full Moon arrives it will illuminate thoughts, patterns, habits, relationships, and clutter that you are ready to let go and allow you to see things more clearly in the light. This is a time of endings, release, and renewal. Tune into and harness this magical energy with a Full Moon Releasing Ceremony!
Within three days of the Full Moon, allow yourself to release and let go of what no longer serves you with a Full Moon Releasing Ceremony. Her energy will guide your body, mind, and spirit back into alignment, purifying your thoughts and emotions.
Prepare a sacred space to perform the ceremony. You should have a view of the full moon so its light can shine on you. If you’re called to, you might lay out some crystals. You may choose to incorporate Moonstone into your ritual, and you will feel a deeper, magical connection with the moon!
Smudge your space by burning sage or palo santo. Close your eyes and imagine a bright, healing light washing over you, cleansing away any darkness or negative energy.
With your eyes closed, go within your heart space, and set your intentions. You can place your hands over your heart and ask your higher self, “What is no longer serving me? What do I need to release?”
Open your eyes, pick up your journal, and at the top of the page write: ‘’I release…” Start writing without thought, just allow your mind to write freely from all of your bodies—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Keep asking yourself, “What do I need to be free from?” When you’re finished, date and sign the page.
Close your eyes again, connect to your heart space, and repeat ‘’I now let all of this go as it no longer serves me, and it is so.”
Open your eyes and set a flame to the paper. Watch it burn and see the smoke rise to the universe, taking your intentions away with it.
Light a candle to represent the light of your intentions and the spirit of your truth. Finally, complete the ritual with a meditation.
January 23, 2024
Pendulums are divination tools used in spiritual healing that can be used to answer questions or help detect an energy blockage in the body. A pendulum is any object which has a string or chain attached to it and swings back and forth or in a circular motion.
Programming a Pendulum
There are many ways to use a pendulum, the most common is communicating with your spirit through your guides or higher self by asking questions. The pendulum acts as a receiver and transmitter, from your higher consciousness, guardian angels, and spirit team.
Your pendulum will need to be programmed the first time you work with it. Start by keeping your pendulum close for a few days so that it can soak up your energy. Next, relax, clear your mind, and connect with your pendulum by holding it close to your heart.
Programming your pendulum establishes cues for “yes,” “no,” and “maybe.” Using the hand that feels most comfortable, hold the pendulum between your thumb and index finger with your elbow slightly bent. Next, decide and demonstrate which cues represent “yes,” “no,” and “maybe,” for example, side-to-side, front-to-back, clockwise, or counterclockwise. Once your pendulum is programmed, verify the cues by asking it questions you already know the answer to. If the answers are not accurate, your pendulum will need to be reprogrammed.
Answer Questions with a Pendulum
When working with your pendulum, tune into your intuition and allow the natural vibrations of your body to move through your hand to the pendulum so it can show you the answer by amplifying the subtle vibrations from your subconscious, causing the pendulum to swing. Ask a question that can be answered with a “yes” or “no” response and observe the cue. Once you’re ready to move on, clear your pendulum by placing it in your opposite palm.
You can also use a pendulum mat to practice communicating with your pendulum. When you bond with your pendulum and a mat, used together they can help you connect more powerfully and clearly with your unconscious self. Keep your pendulum in a safe place when it’s not being used.
Detect Energy Blockages with a Pendulum
Pendulums pick up on subtle vibrations and move in the direction of energy around us through the process of dowsing. When you hold a pendulum a few inches over the Chakras, or energy centers in the body, it will begin moving when it detects the flow of energy during a body scan. Use your pendulum as an extension of your hand for Reiki, Chakra balancing, and aura cleansing and observe how the pendulum is swinging to help you determine the energy work to be done.